
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ultimate Lost Theory Part 2

Part two of my Ultimate Lost Theory centers on the bigger mysteries of the island itself.

While I am extremely interested in the scientific aspects of the show… I am not a physicist. One thing that I truly love about Lost is that it hits the audience on both the left and right sides of our brain. The world of Lost is filled with deep scientific and cultural references. I think there is a reason the producers have set the show up like this.

Throughout the series, Lost has constantly presented the argument of science vs. faith. These two concepts where personified by Jack (science) and Locke (faith) for most of the series. The producers have driven the plot of this series through the actions of these two characters. In season five, we have seen the transformation of Jack from a man of science to a man of faith. In season two, we saw the reverse of that when Locke lost his faith about the true purpose of the hatch.

In scientific terms, there are powerful pockets of energy on the island. The unique magnetic properties of the island making navigating to or from it nearly impossible without knowing the correct bearing. In season 4, we saw through Daniel's experiment that the island was 31 minutes off from the freighter that was relatively close.

I believe the island exists outside of normal space-time. Because of it's make-up, the events on the island do affect the rest of humanity and the fate of the world. We know that the energy can be manipulated as proven with the turning of the frozen donkey wheel and the subsequent shifting through time.

I won't go on and on about the scientific properties of the island, because frankly, I think the producers have done a tremendous job of showing that the past couple of seasons. I want to focus on the other side of that equation… The side of the island that I believe we will see in season 6...

The Island of Faith.

"It's an island, John. No one needs to protect it."- Jack

"It's not an island. It's a place where miracles happen." - Locke

The Island is a place where the infinitely improbable is entirely possible, even routine. It's a place where 72 passengers survive a catastrophic plane crash with mostly minor injuries a place where the diseased are cured and the dead walk again, where time travel actually happens -- all against preposterously long odds. It's the kind of place one might very well analogize to a "magic box," where dreams become reality.

We've seen numerous examples of miraculous healings on the island. While I do believe you can attribute the physical healing to the energy of the island, Ben's getting cancer on the island suggests that the power to heal can be controlled or denied. It proves that it can be subjective.

The Island of Science and the Island of Faith.

These two concepts are at the core of Lost and I believe we can say conclusively that they are represented by Jacob and MIB.Look back at the conversation at the beginning of 'The Incident' between Jacob and MIB.

MIB is stating facts when he says, 'They come, they fight, they destroy." These are statements a scientist would make after round after round of observation. There is no hope in his outlook. On the other hand, Jacob's statements are faith-based. Man can overcome his nature through free will.

I believe the island is the ultimate bridge between science and faith. I believe we will discover that the mysterious elements of the island can and have been controlled. I believe we will see that the island is the bridge between the physical and the non-physical and that there can be travel between the two worlds.

As Charlie said to Hurley… 'I am dead. But I am also here."


Ultimately, the final showdown of Lost will be a fight for or centered around the Temple. I believe we will discover that the whispers are of the dead and the thoughts of those hearing them. The transcripts support this.

The temple is the doorway into the spirit or non-physical worlds and alternative timelines (if that's how they go). As Ben said to Alex, 'It's the last safe place left on the island.' And for us, the last place left to go!

Ultimate Lost Theory Part 1

I'm going to start this theory by expanding on what we learned in 'The Incident' and focus on the conflict between Jacob and MIB, the loophole and the role of Christian. Why Christian? I believe the senior Dr. Sheppard will play a pivotal role in the end game of Lost.

The Producers classify Christian as being "undead". Whether that term implies Christian is a ghost or has been resurrected remains to be seen. I'll touch on that more later, but for now, let's look at Christian role in the events leading up to The Incident and examine what I feel is conclusive evidence on why Christian can't be aligned with MIB / Smoke Monster.

One must first assume that MIB manipulated everything he could to get to what transpired at the end of 'The Incident'. Whether he killed Jacob or not, he finally found the loophole to kill Jacob in Ben and Locke.

Considering that he found his loophole, one must assume that the events leading up to it worked as he planned to get Locke to manipulate and take Ben in the statue in order to kill Jacob.

If Christian was aligned with or was a manifestation of MIB why would he tell Locke that HE was supposed to move the island? NOT BEN.

Play out this scenario for a second... If Locke initially moved the island as instructed, then Ben stays on the island and MIB would not get his chance to take Locke's form that ultimately led him to Jacob.

The perfect plan worked to perfection for MIB... If Christian was a manifestation of him, then he would have told Locke in the cabin to have Ben move the island, knowing the result would be the island skipping and thus requiring Locke to turn the wheel.

It is my belief that Jacob was not only aware of MIB's plan with Ben and Locke; he set it up in the first place. How did he do this? By sending Sayid back to 1977 knowing that he would try to kill Ben and that Kate would bring him to the Others and that he would then instruct Richard to take him to the Temple to be healed. We'll get into the Temple in another post but given that the Monster resides under the temple and MIB seems to have some power over the Monster, I believe that Jacob (through Richard) planted the seeds for the plan by delivering young Ben to MIB. That would also explain why Jacob never met with Ben in the flesh.

In any game or war, the best advantage is to know your opponent's approach. By Jacob setting up MIB by giving him an apparent loophole with Ben and Locke, Jacob was then able to counter-act that with the Losties in '77. Christian was instrumental in setting the final pieces of it up.

As far as where we go from here, is there any character that has more ties to the remaining people than Christian? He has more ties than anyone. He's Jack and Claire's father, Aaron's grandfather, he has helped Locke, Sun and Lapidis find their way, even had beers with Sawyer pre-crash and told Vincent to wake Jack up immediately following the crash of Flight 815.

This puts Christian in a very powerful position of influence over many of the main characters. I personally believe that he is being honest when he says he is speaking on Jacob's behalf and has been key in protecting Aaron by getting him off the island and keeping Claire safe. I predict we will see more of him in Season 6 and we will see what happens to those who die on the island through his experience with Claire.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. More to come.